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The Cultured Organic Coconut Milk

The Cultured Organic Coconut Milk

Regular price $27.95
Regular price Sale price $27.95
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    The cultured coconut was born out of a desire to create a fermented, non-dairy probiotic that had the potential to make a significant difference in one's health. The end result is a probiotic teeming with over 4 trillion cfus and over 40 active strains in just one tablespoon. The most powerful probiotic on the market. 100% organic.


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    About Us

    At Pop Health Bar, we are organic, gluten-free & soy free .We take pride in every ingredient that we use from the coconut oil in your bone broth to the locally grown kale we toss In your salad. We also take great care in sourcing our ingredients. That means using local farmers, buying products that are made in Canada, & supporting independent brands.